
2023 5K on the Greenway

I ran a 5k in my hometown of Mt Airy, NC this weekend. It was sprinkling with occasional heavier waves of rain. And there is a steep uphill at the turnaround. That slows a lot of folks down. I managed to push through on that. Had a blast running with family though. I finished faster than my time two weeks ago which was cool! And congratulations to son’s girlfriend @_ava.zander_ for finishing 3rd in her female age group!! Had my whole family out there and two of my nephews! We had fun! #runningwithfamily #5k


2023 Live Life in Color 5K

Ran a color run 5K this morning for a great cause. Funds support a local Recovery Center. The Live Life in Color 5K was fun. And I got to run with two of my friends, @heatherlburke6and Jeanene Hunnicutt. I planned on running this just for fun but I was feeling so good I turned it up a notch. Finished on 6th place overall. Not too shabby after running a marathon! Support your local races! They’re fun and usually support terrific causes.


2022 Gobble Wobble 5K

I had a happy Thanksgiving which started with a cool 5k in my new hometown. It started at 8:30 and was in the upper 30s by then. I met an IG friend in person which is always cool too. And then afterwards I ate way too much hahaha. As many times as I’ve run a race on a thanksgiving, this is the first time I’ve gotten a medal with a turkey on it. And since I ate ham later that day, this was the only turkey I got!⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀


2020 TriSpan 5k

Well… the Scottish poet Robert Burns once wrote, “The best laid schemes of Mice and Men oft go awry, And leave us nothing but grief and pain, For promised joy!” I thought of this quote this morning. I got up on time at 5am, had my Black Rifle CAF cup of coffee, got to the greenway on time as planned, ran a warmup mile and even had a local running group that showed up for their own training run to cheer me on at the start. Sounds good so far right? I started and was hitting my paces at each quarter mile of nearly the first third of the virtual TriSpan 5k.


Weight Loss and Intro to Running Tips…

I sometimes get asked for tips on how to lose weight and how to get into running.  I usually share my own experience as that worked for me.  I always stress though that everyone is different so the advice I give is not professional advice but just based on what worked for me.  It is always important to talk to your own family physician before beginning any nutrition or exercise lifestyle change.  But still, there are universal things within my story that should be useful to most anyone seeking to live a healthier life and even get into the great sport of running.


2019 Home Run 5k

Had a blast at this year’s Home Run 5k benefitting the Free Will Baptist Children’s Home. Several of my great friends from our local running group, Friends Run Together, were there.


The First Step…

The proverbial first step is always the hardest… trust me.  In my younger days, I was this skinny kid who could literally eat till I was sick and not gain an ounce.  When I graduated from high school, I weighed 153 lbs. at 6′ tall.