
2021 Richmond Half Marathon

This race for me was highlighted by friendship. It’s been 6 weeks since I ran a grueling but fun 50k and I knew my legs would have a hard time trying to PR this so I decided to run for fun and just finish before 2:30. ✅ But the best part was getting to meet several of my #trackstreet friends for dinner last night and during the race!! That’s what is so cool about running. So proud of @j781run and @jim_burrows_runs too for rocking their marathons! I appreciate our encouraging group of runners so much. You guys are the best! 😎🐝 ⛄️🏃🏻‍♂️🏃🏻‍♂️🏃🏻‍♂️


2021 Badwater Cape Fear 50k

Wow! What an adventure!! The morning began with a quiet and cool ferry ride in the minutes right before dawn from Southport to Bald Head Island which is only reachable by boat. We gathered around the oldest lighthouse in my home state known as Old Baldy and the tiny mosquitoes were already waking up for what I’m sure they thought was a gift of a big breakfast😂. It was already 70° at 7am. I met some awesome ultra runners as we waited, chatted and even posed for a quick appearance on The Weather Channel (I’ll post a pic from the video of us out there in my stories). This adventure actually started way back in March when my younger brother Chris talked me into joining him in this race. My sister-in-law Kim was out there taking pics and got one of Chris and I before the start. I also got a quick pic with @chriskostman , the Badwater race director.


2021 Tri-Span 10k

So proud of this woman!! Lisa ultimately just wanted to beat her training time of an hour and a half for this 10k. The TriSpan 10k is the toughest 10k I’ve ever ran as the course includes 3 bridges, 2 of which are draw bridges with the tough metal grating to run on. Each bridge is like a long hill. And then there’s the heat and humidity as you run on both sides of the Cape Fear river in downtown Wilmington. This strong woman beat her ultimate goal and set a new PR for 10k distance in her first ever 10k race by finishing it in 1 hour and 20 minutes!! That’s ten minutes faster than any of her training runs.


2021 Myrtle Beach Half Marathon

Myrtle Beach Half Marathon done! I didn’t PR but I did much better than I thought I would. It was so great to actually race with other runners! It was a terrific crowd and nearly perfect conditions. I’m not in as good a shape as I was last Spring but the adrenaline kicked in and made up some of the difference. I saw my friend @jim_burrows_runs between my 5th and 6th mile. He had a big smile. This is what a runner lives for! This is a nice flat race. Met my buddy Gary Lee at the finish. He had a great race too. I thank the Lord to get back at some normal racing for a change!