Running Towards Health… Becoming the Running Snowman

Running Towards Health... Becoming the Running Snowman

You never know how much you can endure until you have to...

The guy on the left had just been told by my doctor a month before to lose weight or else he was referring me to a bariatric surgeon, and my self esteem was probably the lowest it had ever been by 2014 as I went through a divorce. You wouldn’t know it from that smile.
I had my children and my faith in Jesus Christ, both of which gave me reasons and strength to keep pushing forward.  My desire to live long enough to take care of my children and to set a good example of health and well being for them became the seed that germinated into motivation to fundamentally transform my whole physical lifestyle.
I began to look at food differently and wanted to be more active. I actually started on an elliptical because my knees and back ached from the weight they carried. I was 304.6 lbs in that picture. It would be another 6 months before I ran in my first 5k after losing my first 50 lbs. Fast forward to the present day and 100 plus pounds lighter, the guy on the right now runs and loves it!  As a Christian, my faith got me through these tough times and during this time I met my soulmate, Lisa, and she has been super supportive and a big part of my success!
Was this physical transformation easy? No, but you can do amazing things when you find your motivation, set your goals and press on with everything until you meet them. I didn’t lose the weight overnight. It started with one step and changing what I put on my fork. You can do it too!!⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
To learn more of my journey so far, check out this article on Runner's World.
Our spiritual health is even more important than our physical health.  The good Lord Jesus Christ saved me by grace through faith and has blessed me with a wonderful family and support system.  If I can be a help to you with more information in this regard please feel free to contact me.