2023 Cupid’s Crawl 10K

FAIR WARNING…injury pics ahead if you click the Read More button below. I signed up for Cupid’s Crawl 10k. This morning temps were perfect. I was having a decent race, not my fastest, but I was doing this for fun. 

At nearly the halfway point however, I had just turned left where the 10k splits off from the 5k course and heading downhill. I was speeding up and as I was passing a lady on her left I smiled and said, “Free speed!” About that time my shoe caught a spot of broken pavement and I went straight down, right knee and right hand first sliding about two feet on pavement. Talk about pain!! That kind lady and another kind runner stopped to check on me and helped me out of the road as a race volunteer rushed over and called an ambulance. I was bleeding pretty bad. Another volunteer who knows how runners think and took injury pics saying, “You’ll want these later.” She called my wife to update her and texted her the pics. 

So… 8 years into running and I got my first DNF. Almost had a 5k anyway. Thank you to the EMS guys that cleaned me up and my buddy Gary Lee for bringing me home. Now I just got to heal up. Between the burning, stinging, and soreness I’m just gonna take it easy a day or two!

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