2020 Johnston Health Champions Virtual 10K

Wow! What a day! You’re looking at two guys that just both PR’d!! Yep! We’re even ringing the bells to prove it (virtually of course)!😎. My coach and friend @jim_burrows_runs agreed to meet me as we both had a virtual 10K planned for today. We both wanted to get a new PR. We did socially distance.

He is faster than me so I talked him into giving me a head start!😂. It felt terrific to get outside! It felt SO AMAZING to come over that last hill and know I was about to get a new 10K record! My new Topo Zephyr shoes helped me to get that new record! What a day!! 😎🐝 ⛄️🏃🏻‍♂️🏃🏻‍♂️🏃🏻‍♂️


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