2018 TriSpan 10k in Downtown Wilmington

Finished the 36th annual TriSpan 10k!!! I looked back on last year’s time for Lisa and I and she finished 4 minutes faster this year and I finished 13 minutes faster! This is a very challenging race. The 5k that Lisa did goes over 2 bridges and the 10k I ran is the only 10k on the East Coast in which the course goes over 3 bridges, two of which are draw bridges with the metal grating which is tough on the ole feet! I’m very proud of my wife and pleased with my improvement as well.

This race is special to me because way back 3 years ago it was my first race. I did the 5k that year and I’ve done the 10k there every year since. It’s my anniversary race. I love beautiful downtown Wilmington and really get into the challenge of running this race because it is always hot, humid and hilly with three bridges to cross. Every year I race against myself to be better and this race always teaches me something.

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